Because we are known to handle a lot of slip and fall claims in the Atlanta area, we get frequent calls from people with fractured ankles, concussions and compression fractures.My clients are generally conservative Georgians who would not ordinarily think of filing a claim, much less calling a lawyer. Suddenly…
Atlanta Injury Attorney Blog
Semi Truck Crashes Require Trucking Lawyers with Advanced Skills
Georgia Semi truck crashes devastate families and yet year after year, some tractor trailer companies push their drivers well beyond their capacity as “big box” companies squeeze the drivers down to the penny on their margins. All of this downward price pressure creates a deadly combination of tired truck drivers…
How Do I Sue the Driver Who Caused the Car Accident?
If you read our Georgia Car Accident Guide book, you know that it does not make much sense to hire a Georgia injury lawyer for a case with $3,000.00 or less in medical bills. So lets assume that you followed the do it yourself guide in our book and now…
Can I Fire My Injury Lawyer in Georgia?
A large number of my clients come to my after firing their first injury lawyer. We recently wrote an article addressing the questions: 1) Can you fire your injury lawyer and hire another one? 2) What do you have to pay them if you do? 3) Can I change lawyers…
Georgia Bans Teens from Driving While Talking on Cell Phones
On July 1, 2010 Georgia’s new texting while driving ban became law.With the words “No person shall operate a motor vehicle while using a wireless device to write, send, read any text based communication” we will hopefully see a reduction in the number of Georgia car accidents.addition to banning all…
Georgia DUI Dramshop Law Limited by Georgia Court of Appeals
In a frustrating decision, the Georgia Court of Appeals has ruled that the Georgia Dramshop Act , OCGA §51-1-40, does not apply to convenience stores or vendors where the alcohol will not be served on the premises. Flores v. Exprezit A10A0703 (2010). he law for years has been understood to…
Bracing for Impact May Help Prevent Concussions in Car Accidents
According to a new study in the journal, Pediatrics, if a person is able to tense up their neck muscles, they may be able to minimize the whipsaw effect on the head and thereby reduce the incidence of concussion. Although the study was conducted on hockey player impacts, it has…
Injured by Objects in Your Food: Waiter, There’s a Nail in My Soufle
A neighbor of mine came to me for help after she fractured her tooth on a pebble that was in a salad she ordered at a local Mexican restaurant. Typically, these cases can be resolved with the insurance company for the restaurant fairly easily, but in this case my neighbor…
DUI Car Accident Case Illustrates that Geico Sometimes Refuses to Deal in Good Faith
Over the last two to three years it has become clear that Geico Insurance has changed course and in certain cases has adopted a policy of denying valid claims and delaying payment to deserving Georgia car accident victims. The latest case that the firm took in illustrates the untenable positions…
Whiplash Injuries in a Car Accident Can Be Lessened by Headrest Technology
One of the most frequent complaints we see from clients in the aftermath of serious car crashes are neck, head and shoulder pain. More often that not, the hospital has given the client a generic handout describing whiplash. Whiplash is not really a medical term and is used broadly to…