We often get calls from upset Georgians asking whether they can sue for purely emotional damages without a physical injury and the answer is usually, “no.” The State of Georgia for over 100 years has decided to draw a bright line distinction between a claim flowing from a physical injury…
Atlanta Injury Attorney Blog
Will a Car Accident Affect my Insurance Rates
We talk to a lot of Georgians after they have a car accident and a common question is; “if I report the accident to my car insurance company, won’t my rates go up?” The answer is a little complicated. Insurance companies rate their customers on risk. The more accidents you…
The Insurance Company Offered me $500 to Settle
Over the last few months, an exceptional number of callers have told me that they received calls soon after their car accident and the insurance company was offering to pay their medical bills up to a certain dollar amount and then $500 on top of that. We have seen GEICO,…
Drag Racing Verdict Reveals Complexity of Georgia Law
A Gwinnett County jury returned a $2.5 million dollar verdict for the death of a young man who was ejected when a vehicle involved in a drag race crashed into a tree. Cases like this involving two alleged wrongdoers and the argument that the victim accepted the risk of their…
Explaining Georgia DUI Laws
DUI/DWI in GEORGIA SERIOUS OFFENSE, SERIOUS PENALTIES Over the last decade Georgia has understandably gotten tough on DUIs. The results have been higher arrest rates and lower alcohol impaired driving fatalities. According to the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, alcohol related fatalities in Georgia dropped from a high of 454…
The Tracy Morgan Crash and Tired Truckers
The tired tractor trailer driver who plowed into Tracy Morgan’s vehicle on the Jersey Turnpike in June has turned the spotlight again onto the hours that truckers drive and the power the trucking industry holds in Washington. The June 7, 2014 collision had a simple cause; the Atlanta based driver…
I Tripped Over a Curb, Do I Have a Case?
I will start out by saying the truth; I don’t generally like curb trip cases. Curbs are a necessary part of roadway and sidewalk design and we have all been negotiating them since we were children. The sloped alternative would be worse from a drainage and car safety perspective. Trips…
Hit while Crossing the Street; The New York Times Profiles an Unlucky Brotherhood
Thumbing through the New York Times this past weekend I came across another article on pedestrian injuries and this one stuck out. The writer suffered terrible injuries when hit by a delivery truck in the City and they realized that there were multiple other employees at the Times who had…
Hospital Bills after a Car Accident Arguments
Our Firm sponsored a legal writing contest on the topic of the disparity in medical bills for the uninsured vs. the insured. Here is the winning entry following the question. Question: Your client is a 25 year old female waitress without health insurance. She falls off of her motorcycle while…
Uber Car Accident Insurance
A few weeks ago our Atlanta uber accident attorney wrote an article on the legal exposure that companies like Uber and Lyft might face for car accidents. One of the grey areas was when is an Uber X driver “under dispatch” and therefore when does the commercial policy apply and…