Atlanta Injury Attorney Blog


Watson v. Forest City Commercial Management, Inc.: A Look at the Federal Removal Statute

Although trial is the stage of litigation that many consider to be the key moment for legal argument, many critical battles over the admissibility of evidence, venue and the applicability of certain laws take place long before trial, assuming the case even gets that far. The initiation of litigation often leads…


Atlanta Megabus Crash in Indiana Illustrates Complex Insurance Layers

There was an unfortunate bus crash by a double-decker Megabus en route from Atlanta to Indiana yesterday and police are reporting that 35 passengers have been taken to the hospital. The preliminary reports are that the wire guardrail kept the bus from veering into oncoming traffic and saved countless more…


Georgia Car Accidents and Out of State Uninsured Motorist Insurance

While the subject of “conflict of laws” has caused generations of law students’ eyes to glaze over, the practical applications of deciding what jurisdiction’s law applies in a given situation can often make or break a case. For the personal injury lawyer, these issues can come up frequently in the…

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