
Atlanta Injury Attorney Blog


Don’t Settle for a Limited Release if You Need the Defendant for Venue

In a scary decision, the Court of Appeals has ruled that if you let a defendant out on a Limited Liability Release and the take all available Uninsured Motorist Insurance, the Court can , on Motion, dismiss that Defendant which may destroy your venue anchor. Understanding the Implications of Ferguson…


Is Tripping over a Chair in a Restaurant a Valid Claim if You Get Seriously Injured?

Over the years a number of injured people have called in after tripping over chairs in restaurants. From a common sense perspective, these can be tough cases. One of the primary defenses is that the chair is obvious to anyone walking around and the restaurant can rightfully argue, they have…


Police Officers Investigating Crashes Must Still Be Qualified Under Daubert in Georgia

In an August 2023 decision, the Georgia Supreme Court issued an important ruling clarifying when and how investigating police officers must meet certain evidentiary standards for expert testimony in civil cases arising from vehicle accidents. Under the old case law, Judges sort of gave police officers a hall pass and…

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